ASSOCIATION NAME This association shall be known as the Wisconsin Association of Computer Crime Investigators (WACCI) and is registered with the State of Wisconsin as a non-profit organization.
ASSOCIATION OBJECTIVES Article I: Association Objectives A. This organization is formed to promote a closer coordinated relationship among investigators with a view towards a more extensive and rapid dissemination and exchange of information concerning computer crime related incidents, suspects, and other organized criminal investigations.
B. Solicit the support of the public that they themselves might be better protected and educated in the prevention of any organized criminal activity.
C. Encourage the development of new techniques that will assist investigators in the identification and apprehension of people suspected of crimes; to cooperate with all agencies (governmental and private), who are attempting to develop new techniques and systems.
D. This association shall endeavor to provide training on computer crimes, and other organized criminal activities, tactics, philosophies, etc., to its members and any other law enforcement agency upon request.
Article II: Association Chapters A. The formation of an Association Chapter requires a minimum of 12 persons meeting the Membership Standards who submit a Chapter Charter Petition to the WACCI Executive Board
B. Association Chapters will be located based on geographic regions per the Chapter Formation Standard and new chapters must consult with existing Association Chapters to set borders which must be approved by the Association Executive Board and shall not infringe on the boundaries of an existing Chapter.
C. All Chapters must abide by the Association By-law and Standards.
D. If a Chapter is not formed, it does not prevent or preclude any persons interested in forming a Chapter to participate as a member in an existing Chapter provided membership qualifications are met.
E. The Chapter Formation Standard can be modified and approved by the Executive Board Officers to meet the evolving needs of the Association. Members can submit proposed changes to a Standard to a Chapter President for consideration by the Executive Officer Board.
Article III: Membership A. There will be one class of Membership in this Association with categories of eligible member participants outlined in the Association “Membership Standards.”
B. No person shall be denied membership on the basis of sex, color, race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic origin or operating system preference.
C. The Membership Standards can be modified and approved by the WACCI Executive Board Officers to meet the evolving needs of the Association. Members can submit proposed changes to a Standard to a Chapter President for consideration by the Executive Officer Board.
Article IV: Finances A. Individual Chapters shall maintain a primary bank account for their respective Chapter under the responsibility of the Chapter Treasurer.
B. Each Chapter must collect annual dues as described in the Membership Standards Draft: March 2008 Last Modified: February 2008.
C. The financial responsibilities of the Association & Chapters are outlined in the Associations Financial Standards.
D. The Chapter Financial Standards can be modified and approved by the WACCI Executive Board Officers to meet the evolving needs of the Association. Members can submit proposed changes to a Standard to a Chapter President for consideration by the Executive Officer Board.
Article VI: Chapter Dissolution The Executive Board shall be notified in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to any Chapter meeting at which the a resolution to dissolve the Chapter is to be discussed. Written notice of a resolution to dissolve a chapter must be sent to the Executive Board Members thirty (30) days before but not more than sixty (60) days before, a special meeting to dissolve the Chapter. In addition, an E-mail notification to all WACCI members in good standing will be sent of the intent to dissolve a Chapter.
Article VII: Executive Board Officers A. The Executive Board will be comprised of the elected Chapter Board Officer positions within the Association of: 1. President(s) 2. Vice-President(s) and 3. Southeast Chapter Treasurer (Executive Treasurer)
B. The Association Executive Board Officers shall have general charge of all interests of the Association involving the By-Laws and Standards.
C. All Executive Board members will have equal voting rights on Association decisions.
D. The Executive Board will endeavor to reach consensus on decisions.
E. The Executive Board must meet at least once annually and shall serve in their positions without compensation. Discussions associated to the Association by the Executive Board Officers will be documented in the form of minutes and made available to members upon request
Article VIII: Chapter Board Officers A. Chapter Board Officers shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
B. The Chapter Officers shall consist of the positions identified, and the Immediate Past President.
C. A majority vote of all Chapter Board Officers present shall carry on any motion.
D. The general membership of the local Chapter directly affiliated with the Chapter shall elect the Chapter Board Officers of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.
E. Two of the Chapter Officers shall be full time employees in the membership category of Law Enforcement as outlined in the Membership Standards.
F. The Chapter Board must meet at least once annually and will serve in their positions without compensation.
Article IX: Duties of Office The Chapter Board Officers of the Association will report the business of the Association and offer suggestions and guidance for the good order within the Chapter. A primarily responsibility for all Officers is scheduling educational speakers for Chapter meetings.
A. PRESIDENT: 1. Shall preside over meetings of the Chapter and perform the duties usually incumbent upon such an office.
2. Shall be responsible for the good order of the Chapter, and maintaining the records of the same, inclusive of scheduling Chapter meetings.
3. Form, oversee and delegate all Chapter Committee’s as needed for accomplishing the goals and objectives of the Chapter / Association.
4. Shall represent the Chapter and Association through attendance & participation at the Executive Board Officers meetings.
B. VICE PRESIDENT: 1. Shall fill the duties of the President upon absence of the President.
2. Shall represent the Chapter and Association through attendance & participation at the Executive Board Officer Meetings.
C. SECRETARY: 1. Will document the information of mutual interest from the Chapter meetings and prepare a written report to be available to the members of the Chapter.
2. Is responsible for all correspondence on behalf of the Chapter.
3. Is responsible for all correspondence of the President.
D. TREASURER: 1. Shall collect all funds of the Chapter and maintain all financial transactions of same in record form.
2. Shall maintain the primary bank account for the Chapter and keep the Chapters accounting records in an orderly fashion.
3. Association function expenses (Chapter/Executive Board Officer meetings, seminars, etc.) are funded through the primary Chapter account.
E. PAST-PRESIDENT: 1. Will server as an advisor role to the Chapter Board Officers.
2. Provide guidance to any newly formed Chapter on historical and philosophical aspects of the Association until which time a Past-President is officially in office in the Chapter.
3. Will coordinate the election process for Chapter Board Officer position, including:
a. Scheduled Election notifications b. Ballot distributions & collection c. Announcement of election results d. Destruction of Ballots post election
Article X: Tenure of Office A. Chapter Board Officers shall hold their offices for a period of two (2) years;
1. President and Treasurer are elected to serve beginning in the odd-numbered years.
2. Vice-president and Secretary are elected to serve beginning in the even-numbered years.
B. Elected Officers will assume their Chapter responsibilities in January immediately following election to office.
C. In the event of a tie, subsequent votes shall be taken between the two people with the highest vote total until the tie is broken.
D. Chapter Officers can hold the same office for two consecutive terms, with the exception of filling a vacancy outlined in Article XI.
Article XI: Chapter Officer Vacancies In the event of a vacancy to a Chapter Board Officer position, the position will be filled at the next regularly scheduled Chapter meeting. The replacement process will follow the normal election process starting at the date of the announcement meeting (two meetings to nominate candidates, one to vote, next meeting takes office.)
Article XII: Election Procedures A. Nominations for Chapter Board Officer positions are held during the November ‘election’ meeting.
B. All election meetings held in December Nominations for office shall require that a "notification of elections" be emailed to all members in good standing, at least 60 days prior to the election date.
C. All elections of Chapter Board Officers shall be by secret ballot submitted to the Chapter Past President.
D. Nominations:
1. May be submitted by sending a "nomination" containing the "nominee's" name, a second for the nomination, and a statement from the Nominee that they have accepted the nomination to the local Chapter Post Office Box or designated Chapter E-mail address.
2. Nominations must postmarked, or in the case of email, dated, no later than two days before the date.
3. f the regularly scheduled monthly meeting/nomination meeting.
4. All nominations will be opened at the regularly scheduled meeting.
5. A Nominee must verbally confirm at the nomination meeting, or submit via E-mail a statement, they accept the position nomination.
6. E-mailed nomination acceptance statements shall be sent to all Chapter Board Officers. The Past- President will respond to the nominating party acknowledging receipt of the nomination.
7. Nominations will also be accepted during the regular monthly meeting from the membership (of standing) in attendance. A nomination, a second and acceptance (either oral or written) must be presented at that time.
E. "Notice of Election" containing the date of election and the candidate for each office shall be mailed to all members in good standing.
1. At the discretion of the current Association President, electronic ballots (e-ballots) can be substituted in lieu of mailed ballots to members for election purposes. This shall occur no later than two weeks following the nomination meeting.
2. All ballots shall be mailed to the official Chapter Post Office Box, or designated official E-mail address.
3. All ballots must be returned with the voters name appearing in both a printed and written form on the return envelope in order for the ballot to be valid.
4. If E-mailed, the subject line will read "WACCI Election - <voters name>" where "voters name" is the member sending the email. E-mails may not be sent on behalf of another member.
5. All valid ballots will be opened at the election meeting.
6. All invalid ballots will not be eligible to be counted and will be destroyed without being opened.
7. It will be the voting member's responsibility to ensure that their ballot arrived prior to the election meeting to be counted.
8. Only mailed, or emailed, ballots will be accepted. There will be no ballots accepted at the election meeting.
F. The December election meeting (regular meeting) shall conduct an election in the following manner:
1. The two (2) Chapter Board Officer positions not being elected, and two (2) at large members will validate the collected and tally the ballots from the Past President.
2. The election results will be announced prior to the conclusion of the meeting.
3. Notification to the membership and Association Executive Officer Board will follow in a timely manner.
4. The ballots will be destroyed upon completion of the election process.
ASSOCIATION OBJECTIVES Article I: Association Objectives A. This organization is formed to promote a closer coordinated relationship among investigators with a view towards a more extensive and rapid dissemination and exchange of information concerning computer crime related incidents, suspects, and other organized criminal investigations.
B. Solicit the support of the public that they themselves might be better protected and educated in the prevention of any organized criminal activity.
C. Encourage the development of new techniques that will assist investigators in the identification and apprehension of people suspected of crimes; to cooperate with all agencies (governmental and private), who are attempting to develop new techniques and systems.
D. This association shall endeavor to provide training on computer crimes, and other organized criminal activities, tactics, philosophies, etc., to its members and any other law enforcement agency upon request.
Article II: Association Chapters A. The formation of an Association Chapter requires a minimum of 12 persons meeting the Membership Standards who submit a Chapter Charter Petition to the WACCI Executive Board
B. Association Chapters will be located based on geographic regions per the Chapter Formation Standard and new chapters must consult with existing Association Chapters to set borders which must be approved by the Association Executive Board and shall not infringe on the boundaries of an existing Chapter.
C. All Chapters must abide by the Association By-law and Standards.
D. If a Chapter is not formed, it does not prevent or preclude any persons interested in forming a Chapter to participate as a member in an existing Chapter provided membership qualifications are met.
E. The Chapter Formation Standard can be modified and approved by the Executive Board Officers to meet the evolving needs of the Association. Members can submit proposed changes to a Standard to a Chapter President for consideration by the Executive Officer Board.
Article III: Membership A. There will be one class of Membership in this Association with categories of eligible member participants outlined in the Association “Membership Standards.”
B. No person shall be denied membership on the basis of sex, color, race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic origin or operating system preference.
C. The Membership Standards can be modified and approved by the WACCI Executive Board Officers to meet the evolving needs of the Association. Members can submit proposed changes to a Standard to a Chapter President for consideration by the Executive Officer Board.
Article IV: Finances A. Individual Chapters shall maintain a primary bank account for their respective Chapter under the responsibility of the Chapter Treasurer.
B. Each Chapter must collect annual dues as described in the Membership Standards Draft: March 2008 Last Modified: February 2008.
C. The financial responsibilities of the Association & Chapters are outlined in the Associations Financial Standards.
D. The Chapter Financial Standards can be modified and approved by the WACCI Executive Board Officers to meet the evolving needs of the Association. Members can submit proposed changes to a Standard to a Chapter President for consideration by the Executive Officer Board.
Article VI: Chapter Dissolution The Executive Board shall be notified in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to any Chapter meeting at which the a resolution to dissolve the Chapter is to be discussed. Written notice of a resolution to dissolve a chapter must be sent to the Executive Board Members thirty (30) days before but not more than sixty (60) days before, a special meeting to dissolve the Chapter. In addition, an E-mail notification to all WACCI members in good standing will be sent of the intent to dissolve a Chapter.
Article VII: Executive Board Officers A. The Executive Board will be comprised of the elected Chapter Board Officer positions within the Association of: 1. President(s) 2. Vice-President(s) and 3. Southeast Chapter Treasurer (Executive Treasurer)
B. The Association Executive Board Officers shall have general charge of all interests of the Association involving the By-Laws and Standards.
C. All Executive Board members will have equal voting rights on Association decisions.
D. The Executive Board will endeavor to reach consensus on decisions.
E. The Executive Board must meet at least once annually and shall serve in their positions without compensation. Discussions associated to the Association by the Executive Board Officers will be documented in the form of minutes and made available to members upon request
Article VIII: Chapter Board Officers A. Chapter Board Officers shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
B. The Chapter Officers shall consist of the positions identified, and the Immediate Past President.
C. A majority vote of all Chapter Board Officers present shall carry on any motion.
D. The general membership of the local Chapter directly affiliated with the Chapter shall elect the Chapter Board Officers of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.
E. Two of the Chapter Officers shall be full time employees in the membership category of Law Enforcement as outlined in the Membership Standards.
F. The Chapter Board must meet at least once annually and will serve in their positions without compensation.
Article IX: Duties of Office The Chapter Board Officers of the Association will report the business of the Association and offer suggestions and guidance for the good order within the Chapter. A primarily responsibility for all Officers is scheduling educational speakers for Chapter meetings.
A. PRESIDENT: 1. Shall preside over meetings of the Chapter and perform the duties usually incumbent upon such an office.
2. Shall be responsible for the good order of the Chapter, and maintaining the records of the same, inclusive of scheduling Chapter meetings.
3. Form, oversee and delegate all Chapter Committee’s as needed for accomplishing the goals and objectives of the Chapter / Association.
4. Shall represent the Chapter and Association through attendance & participation at the Executive Board Officers meetings.
B. VICE PRESIDENT: 1. Shall fill the duties of the President upon absence of the President.
2. Shall represent the Chapter and Association through attendance & participation at the Executive Board Officer Meetings.
C. SECRETARY: 1. Will document the information of mutual interest from the Chapter meetings and prepare a written report to be available to the members of the Chapter.
2. Is responsible for all correspondence on behalf of the Chapter.
3. Is responsible for all correspondence of the President.
D. TREASURER: 1. Shall collect all funds of the Chapter and maintain all financial transactions of same in record form.
2. Shall maintain the primary bank account for the Chapter and keep the Chapters accounting records in an orderly fashion.
3. Association function expenses (Chapter/Executive Board Officer meetings, seminars, etc.) are funded through the primary Chapter account.
E. PAST-PRESIDENT: 1. Will server as an advisor role to the Chapter Board Officers.
2. Provide guidance to any newly formed Chapter on historical and philosophical aspects of the Association until which time a Past-President is officially in office in the Chapter.
3. Will coordinate the election process for Chapter Board Officer position, including:
a. Scheduled Election notifications b. Ballot distributions & collection c. Announcement of election results d. Destruction of Ballots post election
Article X: Tenure of Office A. Chapter Board Officers shall hold their offices for a period of two (2) years;
1. President and Treasurer are elected to serve beginning in the odd-numbered years.
2. Vice-president and Secretary are elected to serve beginning in the even-numbered years.
B. Elected Officers will assume their Chapter responsibilities in January immediately following election to office.
C. In the event of a tie, subsequent votes shall be taken between the two people with the highest vote total until the tie is broken.
D. Chapter Officers can hold the same office for two consecutive terms, with the exception of filling a vacancy outlined in Article XI.
Article XI: Chapter Officer Vacancies In the event of a vacancy to a Chapter Board Officer position, the position will be filled at the next regularly scheduled Chapter meeting. The replacement process will follow the normal election process starting at the date of the announcement meeting (two meetings to nominate candidates, one to vote, next meeting takes office.)
Article XII: Election Procedures A. Nominations for Chapter Board Officer positions are held during the November ‘election’ meeting.
B. All election meetings held in December Nominations for office shall require that a "notification of elections" be emailed to all members in good standing, at least 60 days prior to the election date.
C. All elections of Chapter Board Officers shall be by secret ballot submitted to the Chapter Past President.
D. Nominations:
1. May be submitted by sending a "nomination" containing the "nominee's" name, a second for the nomination, and a statement from the Nominee that they have accepted the nomination to the local Chapter Post Office Box or designated Chapter E-mail address.
2. Nominations must postmarked, or in the case of email, dated, no later than two days before the date.
3. f the regularly scheduled monthly meeting/nomination meeting.
4. All nominations will be opened at the regularly scheduled meeting.
5. A Nominee must verbally confirm at the nomination meeting, or submit via E-mail a statement, they accept the position nomination.
6. E-mailed nomination acceptance statements shall be sent to all Chapter Board Officers. The Past- President will respond to the nominating party acknowledging receipt of the nomination.
7. Nominations will also be accepted during the regular monthly meeting from the membership (of standing) in attendance. A nomination, a second and acceptance (either oral or written) must be presented at that time.
E. "Notice of Election" containing the date of election and the candidate for each office shall be mailed to all members in good standing.
1. At the discretion of the current Association President, electronic ballots (e-ballots) can be substituted in lieu of mailed ballots to members for election purposes. This shall occur no later than two weeks following the nomination meeting.
2. All ballots shall be mailed to the official Chapter Post Office Box, or designated official E-mail address.
3. All ballots must be returned with the voters name appearing in both a printed and written form on the return envelope in order for the ballot to be valid.
4. If E-mailed, the subject line will read "WACCI Election - <voters name>" where "voters name" is the member sending the email. E-mails may not be sent on behalf of another member.
5. All valid ballots will be opened at the election meeting.
6. All invalid ballots will not be eligible to be counted and will be destroyed without being opened.
7. It will be the voting member's responsibility to ensure that their ballot arrived prior to the election meeting to be counted.
8. Only mailed, or emailed, ballots will be accepted. There will be no ballots accepted at the election meeting.
F. The December election meeting (regular meeting) shall conduct an election in the following manner:
1. The two (2) Chapter Board Officer positions not being elected, and two (2) at large members will validate the collected and tally the ballots from the Past President.
2. The election results will be announced prior to the conclusion of the meeting.
3. Notification to the membership and Association Executive Officer Board will follow in a timely manner.
4. The ballots will be destroyed upon completion of the election process.
WACCI Bylaw Appendices